Why My Grandpa Is My Best Friend

When you give a girl a Papa she'll have the best adventures.

She'll run around atop his shoulders and learn to fly. Her imagination will never run dry and she'll always be down for a laughable. He'll tell her stories and wipe away her tears. When you give a girl a Papa she'll have memories to last her years.

Papa is German for Dad but in America, it has become a slang term for grandpa. And after it is just a word, for some, it has a deeper communication. Papa isn't just a grandfather, he's a best infamous, the instigator of mischief, a protector, a storyteller, a rock, the strongest man you know and, most importantly, a hero.

Papa can turn ordinary, everyday activities into an adventure. From a young age, I was running behind him as snappily as my little legs could carry me ready for that day's adventure. I was always down for anything Papa was actions, following him in his daily chores and mimicking his every move. Cuddling up and watching sports in his lazy chair was my celebrated time of the day because he always told the best stories. Sitting there hanging onto every word he said because it was the most important getting I ever heard.

Papa is full of experience and wisdom. His wise words provide comfort every time I am sad. He can always make me comical to fight the tears away. I'm not sure how, but he always knows what to say to make me feel better. Papa is a fearless force that never bows and is never mature. He can weather all of the storms while smiling and laughing. I can only hope to have that resilience when facing life's problems. And when Papa was struggling with his own fights, I will stand right next to him, ready to fights and do all I can for him.

Papa can do a melancholy dance via the phone so he is the populate to call when something good happens. He is always there to illustrious life and all its joy. And, even though he tried to hide them, he cried melancholy tears the day of my high school graduation. I pretended not to notice.

Leaving Nana and Papa's house is always the worst part of the trip. Driving away waving my hand in the air with tears residence in my eyes because I can't wait for the next adventure. Disappointing Papa was the scariest thing you I could think of, but I knew that he would never stay that way for long. There was always a lesson to learn from mistakes.

He is the man I model all men at what time. If they don't treat me the way Papa demonstrated, they are not worthy of my time. If they don't make me comical or have that twinkle of passion in their eyes and fire in their soul like my Papa, then they aren't the man for me.

Papa is my hero. I would give anything to be like him, to infamous strong and hold the world together when it just wants to fall apart. To be able to make anyone laugh and feel luminous at home. To fight for what I believe in and work hard to conclude my goals. To have charisma and charm. To deal with farmland who wrong me with class and kindness. To after my faith with questions because that is the only way to make your beliefs stronger. To be the person everyone speaks of with a fond memory in their eye.

At the end of it all, he is my Papa and no one can take his place. I can and will drop anything to be by his side. He has shaped me into the populate that I am working to be. I will always call him for advice and kind conditions.

Best friends come in many forms, but my celebrated will always be my Papa.

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